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tracks of her tears kindle in motion rogue winter tracks of her tears is the first book in the rogue winter novellas and while i guess it could be read alone its the fifth book in the series overall so id highly rmend reading the rogue river novellas beforehand. tracks of her tears rogue winter novella book 1 audible tracks of her tears is the first book in the rogue winter novellas and while i guess it could be read alone its the fifth book in the series overall so id highly rmend reading the rogue river novellas beforehand. tracks of her tears rogue winter 1 by melinda leigh tracks of her tears is book 1 in the rogue winter series a set of novellas written by melinda leigh and kendra elliot. the main characters were first introduced in the rogue rivers series. but tracks of her tears can be read as a standalone as there is a new mystery to be solved here. rogue winter series by melinda leigh goodreads tracks of her tears rogue winter 1 and dead in her tracks rogue winter 2
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