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dead girl running cape char book 1 kindle edition dead girl running cape char book 1 kindle edition by christina dodd. romance kindle ebooks amazon. amazon dead girl running cape char dead girl running cape char book 1 and millions of other books are available for instant access.kindle audible christina dodd new york times bestselling author i have three confessions ive got the scar of a gunshot on my forehead. i dont remember an entire year of my life. my name is kellen adams and thats half a lie. dead girl running by christina dodd paperback barnes i have three confessions to make 1. ive got the scar of a gunshot on my forehead. 2. i dont remember an entire year of my life. 3. my name is kellen adamsand thats half a lie. girl runninom a year she cant rememberom a husband she prays isadom homelessness and fear .
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